Sunday, May 1, 2016

What's going on?

Unmarried folk..don't you ever wonder what's going on? I know there's a spiritual aspect, but there has to be a physical one as well. I mean I know all the cliche stuff people say to guilt you out of questioning things or because they don't know the answer either you know; Jesus is my husband, wrong season, I'm special, hidden, unclaimed treasure etc. but right now I'm being real.. You begin to think its something wrong with you, can I be transparent? I know I can do all things etc. but sometimes you just want to be loved by choice, not obligation (family etc). Period. Someone to talk too, laugh with, play with, hang out with etc. yes I do those things with my shadow (daughter) myself, friends etc. but being around the opposite sex is different. I talk to people day in day out married, single etc. and me being solo doesn't bother me for the most part (except when they are puzzled why I don't date) but this conversation today struck a nerve. Sure I can continue to push it to the back of my mind and work all the time to keep distracted, but what happens when I'm not working? I mean at some point we as the church have to help the 60% of unmarried folk in the body, with practical applicable answers and emotional support. The church jokes and speaks against dating sites, because they're married and don't have experience with them..and anything else to be proactive. I'm at a desk doing women's nails 6 days a week..should my faith build that someone walks into my salon? Just asking.. It's a shame that we're expected to just shut up and not talk about it because then we're not in faith. Bad as it is we suffer in silence with everything else, and now the marital status is a source of pain for many but we can't talk because that means you have no faith. Well I STAY in faith, all I have accomplished has been by faith. I don't get a paycheck, for me eat daily is faith. So keep should know me. The thing is..Spiritual and natural go hand in hand. Sometimes..sigh.. I think we just wanna know.. If I'm not made to be married take the desire away. Simple. 

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